Saturday, June 5, 2021

Weiss Crypto Ratings: "It's clear that Cardano is better than EOS"

Any cryptocurrency market participant who remembers the market situation taking place throughout the second half of 2017 has more than once encountered [...]

Every participant in the cryptocurrency market who remembers the market situation taking place over the second half of 2017, more than once met with loud promises without coverage. The so-called shill (i.e. to screw up the public), took its toll on many, hastily making a decision, investors. Today, Weiss Crypto Ratings, a recognized company that evaluates crypto projects, seems to be resurrecting the once prevailing trend of "shilling". Why do we have this assumption? See for yourself. Just like old times In one of its tweets, Weiss Crypto Ratings, decided to praise Cardano (ADA), at the expense of EOS. As you can guess, these simple and blunt words caused quite a wave of heckling among Internet users. As we can read from the tweet: Polish translation: It's obvious that Cardano is better than EOS. EOS was first on the market, but it is becoming increasingly clear that of the two, Cardano is by far the better. More details on this in the following tweets." As is not hard to guess, many people were outraged at such straightforward statements, which in addition were not supported by any concrete argument. In a later discussion, however, Weiss Crypto Ratings, decided to provide some arguments. Here is one of them: 1/4 EOS not only has problems with its centralization, but more recently, the network could not process transactions for anyone who did not have a sufficient amount of EOS located and stake-ed. This is the result of EOS trying to somehow get by with its commission-free structure. A profile of the EOS community from New York also joined the discussion. They made, quite a specific argument - namely: So you better change your own rankings @WeissCrypto, because you yourself have labeled #EOS as "obviously better" than Cardano... How is anyone supposed to take a ratings company seriously when they themselves don't take their rankings seriously?  For your comment, the following photo was also attached: New thread Well, Weiss Crypto Ratings didn't care much about this latest comment. Instead, they decided to add another tweet: Translation of the tweet: Cardano has completed its first snapshot and wallet check on the Shelley testnet. This latest staking move will allow investors to monetize their ADA tokens for the first time ever. Don't forget to move your ADAs to the Daedalus wallet if you want to participate. We are curious to see further developments on this topic, and more bold statements from both sides of this dispute. What is your opinion on this topic? If you were to farm one of the digital coins mentioned, would it be ADA or EOS? Tags ada Cardano Eos weiss crypto ratings

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