Saturday, June 5, 2021

Beware of cryptocurrency scams over the phone!

Yesterday, the Polish exchange BitBay announced that it had received a report regarding people calling various people and impersonating employees [...]

Yesterday, the Polish exchange BitBay announced that it had received a report about people calling various people and impersonating company employees. Apart from that the portal published an article about a man who was tricked by phone using the "na krptowaluty" method. Additionally, administrators of the Binance Polish group on Telegram report on similar cryptocurrency scams. Cryptocurrency scams over the phone - We received a report today of phone cases in which a caller impersonates a BitBay representative and informs about adding additional Bitcoins to the exchange's account. Sounds cool, but be very wary of such calls! Absolutely do not give out any data, passwords, account information or share your computer screen during such a call - BitBay informed yesterday. The exchange reminds that in such circumstances you should first check if the call actually came from the company's headquarters. How to do it? The easiest way is to verify the number at this link. BitBay's phone numbers are listed on this page. Install the app and you will get cryptocurrencies! Two days ago also the portal informed about the case of a certain 51-year-old man. The man was called by someone who promised him cryptocurrencies worth several thousand dollars. The condition was to install a special program on his computer. Unfortunately, the victim listened to the scammer. The software turned out to be a virus that allowed the hacker to access the 51-year-old's online banking. The next step was to take a loan on the latter for 75 thousand PLN and finally transfer the money to the criminal's account. Watch out for Telegram! A few days ago also the admin of the Binance Polish group on Telegram warned against similar attacks: "Important information! Binance employees, Binance Customer Service (aka Support) and Binance Angels will never ask you to send your cryptocurrencies directly to any address for any reason. Also, no Binance representative will ever request any password or private keys from you, and will never ask you to disable two-factor authentication (2FA) on your account. Always use caution when providing your personal information. If you need help click here to open a ticket ( directed to the help desk." Tags Binance bitbay cryptocurrency exchanges cryptocurrencies scam

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